When I Grow Up...

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Sitting on the bus, riding back from an almost all day field trip in the sun, one of my first graders and I were chatting. 

He looked over and asked, "Mrs. S. what are you going to be when you grow up?" 

"Great question." I replied, rejoicing in the idea that my students feel I teach because it is fun, and not because it pays the bills. "Let me think about it for a minute."

G, "I'm waiting...."

"Got it! I would like to be the Secretary of Education when I grow up because I want to make sure learning is great for every kid." Feeling proud of myself for that teacher of the year kind of answer, I smiled and looked his way, with visions of Arne Duncan dancing around my mind.
Secretary Arne Duncan and I at Mom Congress. 
With his cute little head nodding up and down, "Ok! When I grow up, I'll let you by my secretary for sure Mrs. S!"

Thanks G, thank you.  


  1. That is too funny! Those fabulous firsties never cease to delight. I especially liked this, "Feeling proud of myself for that teacher of the year kind of answer..."

    1. It's so funny, I remember it like yesterday, his big eyes looking up at me like he was doing me such a favor! :)

  2. Oh, my goodness! Kids say the cutest things! Their little worlds are just so amazing to peek into. Thanks for sharing the response of your kiddo!

    1. He is a one of kind kid! Thanks for commenting!

  3. How can anyone not want to be a teacher! Kids are so wonderful. This is the funniest story. Love that you told us about this-a great feeling that he feels that good about himself.

    1. So true! I feel so lucky to be a teacher!

  4. Great story. Now, can you make good on your dream and get things on track?

    1. I know! I am truly afraid I would never make it as a secretary though! I type too slow, organization is not my strong suit, and after answering the 3rd phone call I might just starting hanging up on people! :)

  5. This is tooo funny! I think you would make a great Secretary of Education if the other secretarial spot doesn't pan out!


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