Learning Chinese...

Monday, November 4, 2013
Yes, T wants to learn to speak Chinese. Why? "It just sounds cool." 

My friend told me about Little Pim, a language learning system for young children and they sent me the set to review. (Of course, all opinions are my own.) T was thrilled with the news! 

Research shows that the younger you are, the easier it is to pick up languages. In weekly Spanish class at school, he has learned so much! We were absolutely ready to give Little Pim a try in hopes that if nothing else, the exposure would be good for him. We were right. (yay mom and dad!)

He started watching the DVDs while holding his Little Pim. They are interactive, fun and short. We then took them to the in-laws house for him to watch on Tuesdays when he is not in PreK. Granma and Granpa are learning a little Chinese, too!

After about 6 weeks, he has picked up a few words and has not tired of rewatching the DVDs. I do feel like to make the most of them, he would need to watch them a lot more often, which we just don't do. We have decided to put them in the car though for road trips for a little extra exposure. 

Check out this clip to learn more.
While you're at it, check out their website and the amazing resources they offer in more than 10 different languages! If you are out doing a little holiday shopping, you can see the products first hand at Toys"R"Us

I'll keep you posted on his new language acquisition. Hopefully, mommy will be able to keep up with him! 

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