What We're Reading Sunday!

Sunday, January 11, 2015
Friends, I feel guilty (not really) just writing this post all about what we're reading! We spent this whole week trying to find the routine we lost over the break! Surely I'm not alone in that! 

However, we never miss reading with T! He read his nightly school reading as usual but we also had another nice little reading surprise. 

T read Fly Guys' Amazing Tricks to us. It was going to be our bedtime story one night and he declared, "I'll just read it to you" and he did. 
The next night, he read another Fly Guy to me. I told him while all of this reading business was fine and dandy, mommy is in charge of bedtime stories! So we compromised and took turns reading chapters the next night. #selfishmommy

As for me, I was reading report cards and emails and lesson plans and previewing our next chapter book for read aloud (Mr. Popper's Penguins.) Not such an exciting reading week for mommy! However, my Amy Poehler book arrived so I see happy reading in my future!!

What are you reading? 

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