Twitter for Teachers

Thursday, October 23, 2014
The Fall issue of Scholastic's Instructor Magazine is all about technology! As a HUGE fan of Twitter, I was thrilled to contribute to the "Powerful PD--in 140 Characters (or Fewer)" article! 
Read the article HERE
There are lots of great articles this month, too! I learned a lot about flipped classrooms and discovered several apps that I want to try!! 

If you do not subscribe to Instructor, you totally should! It is a great, quick read with many resources for grades K-8! It is also FREE if you are a red apple teacher through Scholastic book clubs. 

If you are on Twitter, follow me @lyssareads and I'll follow back! My favorite educators to follow are in the article, too! 

Tweet you later! #suchageek


  1. That's awesome, Lyssa! Great advice!!

    1. Thank you! It was fun to chat about Twitter because I used to be so afraid of it!

  2. Great job! Tweet me (@MommyTalkShow) your educational posts and I'll retweet.


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