Our Valentines

Thursday, February 12, 2015
Did your child have to make a Valentine card holder for school? Of course they did!! This is our first year making one and I'm going to be honest and say....I was excited! Someone check with me in three years to see if I feel the same way! 

At first T was going to paint a box, then he saw a Minion box and decided he wanted a Minion. I think we all know I am NOT crafty, but I told him we would do it. Guess what? We did!!!

I am officially that mom! That's right, T's box rocks! I wrapped a box in yellow (thanks to Mrs. Smith for grabbing it for us!) and other than the hole and tongue, he did the rest! Oh, I did the feet, too but he colored them. We had a little issue with the teeth, but T worked through it! I then made him take a picture posing like a Minion so I could prove to my little sister P that we did it! She was impressed!
Knowing that I am not a crafter, you will appreciate that since T was 4, he has made his own Valentine cards every year. This year, he wanted to make every kid a bracelet and card.  So he did. :)
I love this kid. I love his creative soul. I love his big, crazy no tooth smile. I love his tenacity. I love that he is my Valentine. I love that I am his Valentine, too....well, kind of. I'm second place to my niece A, and I'm ok with it. 

What is on your Valentine box or what would you put on your box? 

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