Amelia Bedelia Rocks!

Saturday, February 2, 2013
We love an author visit. I'm serious-even T loves it! Thank goodness, we are conveniently (not really-we get lost every time and it takes about 35 minutes if we don't get lost!) located near the best little bookstore in the whole wide world....Little Shop of Stories in Decatur! 
Our latest author treat is Herman Parish! Mr. Parish is the current author of Amelia Bedelia! He shared with us how his aunt, Peggy Parish created Amelia Bedelia over 50 years ago and how an entire story can be based around a list. He updated us on the young Amelia Bedelia, too! 
Did you know there are early readers AND chapter books? That was news to me....and my wallet! Had to have them!
Listen to Mr. Parish chat with us!
If you ever have the opp to hear an author speak about their masterpiece-GO! It is powerful stuff! 

Now do you want some SUPER news? Our friends at Scholastic have SEVERAL Amelia Bedelia titles for only $1.00 right now! Head over there before they sell out! My son and my first graders LoVe her!!! 

Are you an Amelia Bedelia fan?

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