Mittens, the Kitten

Friday, July 1, 2011
As many of you know, T LOVES cats. He loves my mom's cats. He loves shows about cats. He loves books about cats and, well, he sometimes believes that he is a cat. He meows, drinks milk from a bowl and purrs. It is cute. It may require intense therapy later, but for now-adorable!

T and I read a kitten book by Lola Schaefer today. She lives in North Georgia and has relatives at my school (see the lovely autograph below.) I love her books and T and I are anxiously awaiting the arrival of our copy of Just One Bite! her latest treasure.

As T and I read, he quickly transferred into kitten mode. We didn't actually finish the book because "kitten is hungry, mow, mow." :)

Follow Me, Mittens is an "I Can Read" making it perfect for K and 1st grade classroom libraries. It includes positional words, color words, and repeated phrases. It is also FANTASTIC for getting to know a character, as there are several in the easy read series. Another plus of the book is the opportunity to discuss quotation marks and what they mean with our earliest readers. I love this series, and its cousin-the Biscuit series.

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