I could go on and on, but these are 10 that I could not live without!
My Top Ten
Saturday, August 13, 2011
So, Cathy over on http://reflectandrefine.blogspot.com/ is holding her Top 10 Picture Books....well, I should be honest, it was actually August 10th. But for those who know how crazy last week was for those of us in Cobb County (prepping for BTS) you will understand why I am tardy. (Though you also know I do not like to be tardy!) Here are my top 10 picture books, in no particular oder.
I love No, David by David Shannon. It is the very first book I read to my first graders and the very last book we read....together. David finds himself getting into a little trouble and having the rush of guilt that so many little sneaky ones know so well. The illustrations are great and kids truly relate to David.
Listen Buddy, by Helen Lester is another must read for back to school in my classroom. Buddy "listens" to his parents and follows through on what he thinks he heard. This leads him to a bit of mess for our little friend. We read this once and refer it to all year. "Check your ears buddy." They love it!
I don't think Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak needs a snippet. I just love it.
Tacky the Penguin, by Helen Lester and illustrated by Lynn Munsinger is another favorite. In fact, I love the whole Tacky series! Tacky is not afraid to be different and that is how I want all of my firsties to be!
ish, by Peter Reynolds has become a favorite in our first grade. It is another back to school classic that sparks creativity and reminds our budding artists that illustrations do not have to be perfect! I refer to this often as I may not be the best teacher artist! :)
SuperHero ABC, by Bon McLeod, is borrowed so often from our classroom library, I have had to purchase additional copies. The boys love it, the girls love it, I love it! Each page features a hero and describing words/mottos that go with the letter.
I love Dr. Seuss. I love all the regulars, but this is my favorite-My Many Colored Days. I love sharing this "rule breaker" with my kids. The conversation is fantastic year after year. We paint our own colored day and they are breathtaking!
I often tell the class that I have many favorite books, but this is my all time favorite owl book! Owl Babies by Martin Waddell is beautiful! Three babies are on their own while mommy goes to find food. They share their fear and sibling love throughout the story. One of my firsties said, "This is so good they should make a movie out of it!"
Skippyjon Jones, by Judy Schachner is so fun! I will be the first to admit that I was not a huge fan of Skippy a few years ago. It grew on me and I am so glad it did! My class has written to the author AND received a reply. We love the characters, we love the illustrations, we loved creating our own Skippy book!
Be still my heart! The Napping House by Audrey Wood is a repetitive story with beautiful illustrations begging the reader to look further with each read. We act it out with each other, paper creatures and more. We reread it is funny voices. It is a favorite in the buddy reading section!
I could go on and on, but these are 10 that I could not live without!
I could go on and on, but these are 10 that I could not live without!
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Great list! I am adding several of these (new to me) to my wishlist! I'm going to the site too!