Snow Ice Cream

Thursday, January 30, 2014
I would love to tell the backstory of #snowinthesouth and I might another day, but for now I'd love to share one of our snow happies!

My sweet friend Maria texted this image from ThisNThatWithOlivia to me and T and I both got a little too excited! We rushed outside with bowl in hand and prepped for our new recipe! Kid loves to cook! 

It did not take long for our bowl to fill! Did we have exactly 4 cups? I don't know! What we did have was a bowl full of fluffy, cold fun!
We did not have milk so T volunteered his box o' milk! 

Final verdict?  YUM! 

So glad my friend sent this our way. Our whole family enjoyed making it and eating it. T enjoyed finishing mine and N's! 

Have you had snow ice cream? Are you going to try it if you get the chance?

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